Perfect balance of powerful features AND ease of use – Get up and running without any training. The design is so intuitive, you feel like you already know how to use it!
Extremely customizable to fit the uniqueness of your church – Add your own fields, customize picklists, create/modify reports and views, and more.
Your choice – Cloud or Desktop. Choose the solution that’s best for your church.
Get Your Church Completely Organized
Get rid of all of the papers, spreadsheets, sticky notes and napkins – Let Excellerate Church Management Software track all of the scattered details in one central system so you always know where to find every phone number, email address, attendance, giving history, small groups details, and more!
Easy Contribution Tracking and Statements
Enter weekly contributions is quick and easily with our streamlined entry process. Know exactly who has given, how much and to what funds. Print many different fund reports and giving statements with ease, in seconds!
Visitor Tracking and Follow-up
Automate your visitor follow-up letters/emails/texts and measure your success. Don’t let any new visitors fall through the cracks. Excellerate will help you make sure you follow up on every one of them, and show you what’s working and what’s not.
Email and Texting
Communication is key to retention and involvement. Excellerate makes it simple with the ability to send emails and texts to any selection of your people – new visitors, leaders, volunteers. The selection options are unlimited.
Serious about data, numbers, and tracking?
Is your church serious about detailed tacking and analysis? Do you track the number of vehicles in the parking lot, small group growth trends, and the attended vs sign-up ratio of your classes?
Excellerate was designed for your kind of church. Sure, Excellerate is great at the basic needs of most churches, but Excellerate goes beyond the basics for churches who understand the benefits of detailed tracking, and the principle of “What you measure, grows!”
See how Excellerate Atom empowers churches serious about data, numbers, and tracking
See the cloud and desktop solutions for even more features!
Which one is best for your church?
Churches have different needs, so we provide both solutions – Cloud and Desktop. Pick the one that fits your church the best.
The biggest question is – Do you want to access your information away from the office, like at home or other locations? If so, you’ll need the cloud solution.
Here’s a quick article on the difference between cloud and desktop software
So, what’s different about Excellerate?
Cloud or Desktop – your choice
Cloud or Desktop – There are big benefits to both so you can choose which approach is best for your church!
Customized to your church
Every church is unique and shouldn’t have to conform to rigid software. Excellerate is extremely customizable so it supports how you do church. It’s almost like having software custom designed specifically for your church!
Helping churches for over 20 years
We’ve been helping thousands of churches for over 20 years, so we’ve already developed the solutions for the unique needs of those churches. You can be confident that our software has the features you need to make your church more effective and reach more people.
Incredible, personal support
You’re busy trying to get things done, so when you need something, you can call a real, live person who already knows about your church and your uniqueness. You’re not wasting your time re-explaining the same thing to different people. And we’ll go out of our way to help you get what you need. Even if it’s an issue outside of Excellerate!
We’re a small, friendly company so if you have any questions about church or software, just give us a call – 888-371-6878