Serving and Reaching out to Your Community

We at Excellerate believe very strongly in the power of serving the community to grow the church. Serving isn’t some trick to create growth, or some way to tie God’s hands and force Him to grow your church, serving is a way to treat people the way God wants to see them treated, and it’s the very essence of God’s personality. That’s why it’s so powerful. Continue reading

Managing Church Small Groups with Excellerate

More and more churches are realizing the power small groups can have for reaching the lost and disciple believers. However, it can be very difficult to track all the details associated with small groups.

Excellerate church management software fixes that problem

From our inception, we’ve been committed to providing top of the line tools for tracking, monitoring, and evaluating your small group success. Excellerate can Continue reading

The Benefits of a Church Orientation Class

New visitors to your church have one question in mind – “Is this for me?”

That question will be partly answered in the first few minutes of their visit – the kind of people they see, the style of music, friendliness, etc..  But they also want to know things like: how the church started, what it believes, what it expects out of its members.

If you want to retain these visitors, you have to make the information they crave readily available. The more open you are about these kinds of topics, the more comfortable people feel in supporting you and beginning a relationship with your church. Continue reading

How to Increase Team Unity

It’s simple to say, but vital: teams can only exist if they’re unified. A team without unity is like a body where no two cells stick together. All the cells might be alive, but a trillion single celled organisms will never be able to do half of what one organism made of a trillion cells could do.

So, to help you take your church and the volunteer teams to the next level, we’ve put together a few tips. Continue reading

How to Handle Rebellion in Church

Unfortunately, the question of how to handle rebellion in church is one that often gets asked. Without knowing the details of your particular situation, I can’t speak directly to it, because every instance is somewhat unique. But, there are a few rules that apply in every case. The most important is that you can’t ignore the problem. It is never, ever easy to handle a situation like that, but no rebellious act has ever been resolved by silence. Continue reading

How to Get More Volunteers for Children’s Church

I recently got an email with a great question, and I think it’s one many churches have. The question was:

“I have to get more parents serving in the children’s ministry! I’ve been asking ‘how’ for two years and still don’t have any workable answers.”

I have three suggestions. Continue reading

How to Get More People in Small Groups

We all know that small groups are a great way for people to get more connected into church and to each other, but sometimes the hurdle can be getting them to take the first step of signing up to try a group.  Here are some tips that we’ve seen work well for many of the churches we’ve worked with over the years. Continue reading

How to Effectively Follow-up with New Visitors to Your Church

There are a lot of ways to follow up with new visitors, and you really just need to try a few methods and see what works for your church.  Just make sure you’re measuring your results so you can clearly see what’s working and what’s not.  Here’s a good starting point to adopt or at least get you thinking about an approach that will work for you. Continue reading

Creating a Church Handbook

Every church has a group of people who know everything about everything. They’re the people who built the sound system, designed the children’s curriculum, manage the church. They’re the kind of people you got to love. They wake up earlier on the weekend than during the week, just to make your church work. They are the glue that holds your church together, and often you can’t have a normal service without them. (As an aside, just take a moment to send them a thank you card right now and show your appreciation.) Continue reading