Adjusting Grades Each Year

If you’re storing grades in your member records for students, you’ll need to adjust those grades each year. For example, all kids who have “1st Grade” in their Grade/Student field would need to be changed to “2nd Grade”. You can do this manually one-at-a-time, or you can use the “Field Adjuster” utility to adjust them all for you.

  • Note – make sure you make a backup of your data before using the utility, just in case you make a mistake.

You can find the “Field Adjuster” utility in your Start menu under Excellerate, or you can just search “field adjuster” in the Windows search box.

Under “Values to adjust”, select “Grade Levels”

You will see all of the existing grade options on the left, and what the new grade would be on the right.

Review the settings, and adjust any as needed.

You can do a test run first to verify it’s what you want.

When you’re ready to make the change, un-check “Test run only” and run. All your grade should be adjusted to the next grade.

Church Check-In – Simple, Clean, Portable

Enjoy the simplicity of a complete mobile check-in solution for your church!

mobile check-in

Our portable check-in tablets allow you to easily check-in your children, members and volunteers wherever you are – Internet NOT required.  The information can be stored on the tablet, or synced to a main computer with a USB stick. Continue reading

Streamline VBS Check-In with Excellerate!


It’s that time of year again and churches are gearing up for this summer’s Vacation Bible School! Vacation Bible School is always a great time for your children to learn of and grow into the things of God.  It’s a youth-focused spiritual retreat, designed to engage your kids in the Word – all while giving the parents a little break of their own during the summer. Continue reading

Mobile Check-In

New Check-In Hardware available! We’ve just released two new hardware options for our Check-In system. If you’re looking for a mobile solution, you might be interested in our new 10” tablet that can work with a wireless label printer! Now your volunteers can have the freedom to walk around without being tied down with wires and cables. With the option to have labels print wirelessly, you could even have them print out in the classroom as they walk in.

Mobile Check-In is a great option for churches that don’t have the convenience of a permanent building or even just for those who want a more relaxed Check-In environment. And if you don’t need labels, our Mobile Check-In is perfect for events or special services where you can quickly get each person’s name as they walk in the doors.

The tablet and wireless label printers are available separately so you don’t have to purchase both if you only want one. For more information on either of these products please feel free to give us a call (888.371.6878) or email us at

Excellerate Check-In for VBS


Vacation Bible School (VBS) is always a great time for your children to learn of and grow into the things of God. It’s a youth-focused spiritual retreat, designed to engage your kids in the Word – all while giving the parents a little break of their own during the summer.  The vacation in VBS may even sound more attractive to the parents than the kids.  But, of course, now the church has the responsibility of taking care of all these children and their security.  Even with a handful of volunteers, sign-ups, check-ins, and schedules can add up to a lot of work in no time.  Paper systems work, but Excellerate’s Check-In System can take the sting out of all those paper-cuts. Continue reading

How to Protect your Church’s Children

As Christians, we have the obligation to support and encourage people recovering from all kinds of struggles, but how do we do this without endangering our children? Below, you’ll find tips designed to help you provide the best security for your children, in a manner that is unobtrusive and inviting to guests of all backgrounds. Continue reading

Are Children Safe at Your Church? – Top Safety & Security Concerns

It feels like threats to our children’s safety are increasing all around us.  As a church, we’re trying to help overturn that, along with all other problems in our society, but we wouldn’t be good stewards if we didn’t do everything we can to protect the children in our church.  Here are some of the top safety and security concerns with ministering to children in church – Make sure you have a solution in place for these…

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