Online giving services compatible with Excellerate / Atom

Excellerate and Atom are able to import online contributions from most online giving services. Here is a list of those services, but email us if you have a different service you would like to import from.

You can find the documentation for importing online giving here

Excellerate Desktop Solution:

  • Secure Give
  • TransactU
  • Giving Kisosk
  • Generic Excellerate
  • Clover
  • Kindred
  • Txt2Giv
  • PushPay
  • MinistryLinq
  • SubSplash
  • GivingFire
  • Tithely
  • PlanningCenter
  • RebelGive
  • Stewardship Tech
  • CDM

Atom Cloud Solution:

  • Generic Excellerate / Atom
  • PushPay Excellerate
  • Secure Give Excellerate
  • Giving Kiosk
  • Clover
  • Kindrid
  • Txt2Give
  • MinistryLinq
  • SubSplash
  • Giving Fire
  • Tithely
  • Planning Center
  • Cornerstone
  • PayPal
  • Converge
  • Stripe
  • Givelify-SK