Church Management Software – Web-based vs Installed


When it comes to deciding on a church management solution, your first decision is

Web-based or Installed?

In a web-based solution, the application is running in on internet web servers located in a datacenter somewhere.  All of your church data will be stored on those servers as well.

In an installed solution, the application and data is installed on your own computers in your church.

There are clear advantages and disadvantages to both, so you’ll need to consider both sides, and decide which approach fits your church the best.  We also discuss a unique hybrid option, so make sure you read to the end to see how that works! Continue reading

Want your church to grow? Prepare for it!


We all want our churches to grow and see more people living for God and thriving!

Yes there are many ways to attract people to our church, but what good is it if we’re not prepared to effectively serve them?  If things are getting forgotten, misplaced and outdated, then the people we are called to minister to will be falling through the cracks. Continue reading

Streamline VBS Check-In with Excellerate!


It’s that time of year again and churches are gearing up for this summer’s Vacation Bible School! Vacation Bible School is always a great time for your children to learn of and grow into the things of God.  It’s a youth-focused spiritual retreat, designed to engage your kids in the Word – all while giving the parents a little break of their own during the summer. Continue reading

Do you value your church volunteers?


Do you value your Church Volunteers and Team Leaders?

Every church depends on their faithful volunteers who give of themselves each week to serve their church, God and each other. Without them, our churches wouldn’t function at all. Like all of us, our volunteers have very busy lives balancing time and energy between family, work, and church. Continue reading

How to Improve First Time Visitor Experience

We all want to see new visitors come to our church, get planted, and flourish, but we easily forget what it’s like being a first-time visitor to a new church.  They’ve never been here before so they don’t know what to expect, what to do, where anything is, what the service will be like, and so on. Continue reading