Church Database:
Fix for adding multiple family members in a row
Added support for CDM contribution imports
Added support for comments in MinistryLinq imports
Added support for Tithely2022 and PayPal
Added support for PreMember pictures
Updated online giving imports for:
-Stewardship Tech
Changing Member Steps now updates the sort order of existing steps
Added ability to cancel mass email
Fix bug with multiple {Statndard} reports in menu
Updated Canadian statements with new web address
Added comments to member information report
Improving web integration for followups. Easily allow adding followup to visits/counsels
Adding PLEDGEBALANCENOW to show balance as of report's end date
Added group total to contribution report
Added abilty to COPY a batch
Added support for RebelGive
Added support for EasyTithe
Added support for Tithly
Added support for PlanningCenter giving
Improved web integ layout on phones
Fix for offline visitor check-in
Added support for importing EasyTithe
Adding new GenericImportNew format for importing online giving
Adding checkin monitoring command to /clearall
Working on support for Chinese font
Can now dbl-click group interns or co-leaders
New web integration theme
Fixed label showing groups i lead in member screen
Fixed some address history tracking
Improved print speed/size for reports with member pictures
Now showing inactive members in batch and batch entry
Changed CleanContribs to insert a "deleted total" record for old contribs deleted
Improved cell meeting/member importing
Support for international texting
Fix for txt2give new import format
Added support for negative totals in batch report
Now showing summary totals on batch report even if negative
Supports new WSD printing service
Fixed error sending texts with accent characters
Increased check# on batch report
Added support for Tithly online giving
Added support for PushPay - Missions giving
Fixed email issue where line breaks with a .
Fixed error ''
Added support for campus specific web integration
-Added support for online giving import: SubSplash-Transfer format
-Fixed problem showing picture in PreMember module
-Added MemberID & Address to contribution member picklist
-Fixed sending texts with quotes
-Added support for current value in web integration editing group info
-Added SubSplash giving import
-Fixed Printer Access violation on mac. typo in printers.pas filename
-Fixed skipping blank labels when printing for 1 person
-Added MinistryLINQ online giving import
-Added class check-in for checkin importing
-Removed signature from text msg previews
-Testing adding FF button to member screen
-Added ability to analyze Age
-Adding support for class check-in
-Adding classes, scheduledclass tables to offlinedb
-ForceUnicode feature now changes font on all built-in reports
-Sending texts now prompt if you want to use homephone if cellphone blank
-Fixed problem with duplicate tagged members
-Limit offline db attendance to last 365 days
-CheckinSync Alt
-Fixed recovering archived members when flexfields differ
-Improved email logging
-Tags to membersteps now updates existing member steps
-Tags to classes updates attendee count
-Tags to classes updates associated member step
-Remove CRLF from phone so wont stop servepointsync
-Added ability to move associated tab records to other member
-Detects if running on Mac
-Adding special FamilyActivty feature
-Saves rotated images
-Better logging in checkinexporter
-Fixed bug sometimes doesnt get check image
-Fixed bug with follow sponser email losing plain text
-Added auto-night.bat cloud script checking
-Added offlineDB queries before creating offline db
-Added offline db query editing in views (left-shift)
-Added Org selection to church attendance screen
-Added contirbution import format "GenericImport"
-Fixed bug importing checkin file twice, and possilby check-outs
-Added password length checking when changing pw
-Added sorting option to exwebrpt
-Added Mass email/texting to premembers
-Improved getting SMS unsubscribers
-Added grouping on Batch#-Account in batch report
Check-In System:
Searching last,first now searches by middle name as well
Added support for relation grandchild
Added support for syncing with Atom using other languages
Increased size of current service panel
Fixed support for international dates with Atom
Added support for Atom cloud based solution
Fixed error editing Room Assignments
Added ServiceList variable to print all services when checking into multiple
Added ServiceTimeList
-Checking into multiple services now uses room assignments for each service
-Fixed problem with stations with multiple computer names with digits
-Fixed attendance problem in 5.0.18
5.0.18 - 5.0.20
-Added Recording class attendance logging
-Will display cellphone if homephone missing, must add cellphone to extra data fields
-Added more offline db transfer logging
-Added checkin.ini to config files
-Adding better status msgs during startup
Adding Class check-in feature
Added OrgName to print volunteer team on labels
Fixed - Was printing to DEFAULT printer
Added - PromptToField:Prompt message[User4]
Fixed - wasnt using offline db when started with a .cfg
Fixed - premember highlight color hard to read
Now getting offline .zip if available & newer than the offine .mdb
Now testing to be sure we can open the offline db, and retrying the get 3 times
Added reverting to last good db - station-good.mdb, if needed
Now using Windows copy dialog to show progress
Copying the .cfg locally to temp.cfg instead of unzipping it across the network
-Disabled printer checking if no label styles set
-Detect running on Mac
-Fixed check-in error on Mac, path lengths, start dir
-Added message about printing only avail on Windows
-Fixed- no need to add Student to extra fields when room assigning by grade
-Added option to hide Age in verify screen for Canadian customers
-Fixed bug with saving the "Store visitors" option
-Fixed bug with Setting Firewall on general user account
-Allow selecting when verification screen shows
-Fixed bug with visitor btn, cancel, checkin btn was enabled
-Added checking website for new version
Ver 5 - What's New
Church Database:
-Send text messages directly from Excellerate
-Email-able contribution statements - save money on postage
-Know your numbers with the Church Success Report
-Online giving services import into Excellerate
-Archive / Recover Members
-Assign tagged members to a classes, member steps, or organizations
-Other improvements
-Enter new visitors in the check-in system (even offline)
-View check-ins (real-time) from phone or tablet
-Other fixes and improvements
Ver 4.4
Church Database:
-Added ability to sync with ServePoint:
-Support for Windows 8-10
-Added support for more online giving importing like: GivingKiosk, Clover, etc...
-Added backup & restore
-Improved mass emailing
-Added support for Excellerate Cloud:
-Supports scheduled backups
-Improved web integration and managing groups online
-Added H security level to financial, to allow entering batch contributions only
-Added Email signature
-Added Canadian email requirements
-Other minor fixes and improvements
- Now supports multiple check-in&out on the same day,service
- New webcam support (webcapture.exe)
-Added support for Excellerate Cloud
-Added Turbo Mode
-Added gender based room assignments
-Added kids can check into multiple services
-Added auto-syncing
-Added prompting options during checkin
-Fixed double-click checkin button
-Added ability to show a message and deny checkin
-Added ability to search visitors AND members at the same time
-Added ability to work with pictures in offline mode
Ver 4.0
Church Database:
- New user interface with optional themes
- Added new field coloring for Required, Suggested fields
- Configurable Module names (Cells -> Small Groups, Orgs -> Teams, etc..)
- New Email Builder / Templates
- Online Credit card processing window (requires customization from us)
- Check scanning
- New tagging works for multiple users
- Easily move tagged records to an Organization
- Views are now grouped by category
- Drag your favorite views to the menu bar
- Member/cell/class/org listings now have real-time scroll bar support
- Built-in scroll wheel support
- Sort by clicking column headers
- Head of households appear in Bold
- Thumbnail pictures in the main browse listings
- View Actives/Inactives/Delete with toolbar buttons
- New status field for organizations & classes, allows you to inactivate old organizations/classes
- Create new tabs in the main edit screens
- Now allowing editing of inactive/deleted records
Check-In System:
- New user interface with optional themes
- UAC compatible - No longer requires Administrator user account and user data stored in C:\Excellerate
- Added options to prompt for room assignment for: Children, Adults, visitors, or special condition
- Load & Save complete configuration settings - great for different service types